From the children…

Jacob was in fifth grade, and at the end of his first semester he was failing all of his classes. His parents do not have a lot of extra money, but they got a private tutor for two hours a week, and they requested a place for Jacob in the Sunday afternoon Path To Shine program. His final report card revealed all Bs and one C, a vast improvement. Jacob is proud of the progress he has made, and it shows in the way he holds himself. He has seen his efforts rewarded, and he is motivated to keep doing well.

Amy’s teachers noticed that she was not grasping concepts as quickly as her peers. They sent home paperwork requesting permission to test her for possible learning disabilities. The paperwork was not returned because her mother cannot read. We worked with the mother to complete the paperwork and returned it to school. Amy is now supported with additional resources at school, and she is making progress.

“Will you help me color? I want to do a good job.” This was the request of a special education student who wanted to make a card for one of his Path To Shine friends. Jimmy has many hurdles to overcome, but he has a good heart and likes to help clean up. He challenges us with his mood swings, which are heightened because he does not receive the medication he needs on a consistent basis. But his teacher has seen him make progress this year, and she credits Path To Shine with helping.

Zach had to do summer school at the end of first grade because his standardized test scores were weak. After a year with Path To Shine, he made a lot of improvements, and there was no need for summer school after second grade.

From school staff…

A school social worker reported that the children who attend Path To Shine once a week make more progress than the children who attend typical after-school programs 3 or 4 days a week.
A school counselor passed along the following comments from a participant’s teacher: “Alex will repeat Kindergarten but his teacher feels he is making progress. She is beginning to see him making connections. She wanted me to pass on how much Path To Shine has helped and how appreciative she is of all of your efforts.“

From host sites…

“I hear nothing but good things about the program and what you are doing.” – Pastor Randy Cheek, Olive Springs Baptist Church
"I was initially overwhelmed that 17 kids came, but then they were so attentive and well-behaved. We will have them back ANY TIME!"
– Gigi Fernandez, Our Pal’s Place

From volunteers….

“Volunteering with Path To Shine helped me remember why I became a teacher.” – Ginny Parrino
“What you are doing is truly an amazing thing to watch.”
– Dr. Ron Wilson

“When I got your email about Mary it made me so happy. I haven't stopped smiling all afternoon and I've said to everyone I've encountered today, ‘Oh! Let me tell you about Mary!’ " – Sydney Busby

“I have had a very challenged and extreme path this past two years. It is easy to get mired down in yourself. Today I realized it is not about life being easy or hard, but the results you produce with that life.” – Bonnie Rhinehardt