Check-In: Children and adults start their Path To Shine session by placing a sticker next to their name on the sticker chart as a way to keep attendance. The kids love checking in this way! Homework: The Mentors work with the same one or two students each week, helping with homework, reading together or catching up on the week’s events. During this time, the children can also choose a book they want to read with their Mentor. Programs are encouraged to spend an hour on homework and reading. Snack time: Many of the children come to the program hungry, especially if they haven’t eaten since lunch at school (which can be as early as 10:30AM). Play time: It’s important that children have time to play with their Mentors and each other. Play time is also where they explore what they enjoy. We encourage the children to play outside or play board games or puzzles inside. Group time: This is a time when the entire group comes together to practice attentive listening, comprehension and learn valuable life skills. Through stories told using books or guest speakers, the children begin to expand their worldview. Sometimes, the older children will read to the group. The students are also encouraged to ask and answer questions, reinforcing the idea that learning is active.